As we come up to Meeting of the Minds in the next couple weeks, and we reflect on the damage we’ve seen from Hurricane Mathew, it’s good to know the Lone Palm Foundation is here to help Parrot Heads who need financial assistance after suffering losses caused by a natural disaster.
But, we can’t help people if they don’t know about us. Periodic reminders from club leaders to their members will keep the Lone Palm Foundation in mind so they know we’re here and will remember us when they need us.
But, please also reach out to club members with specific reminders when a disaster strikes. Those directly affected may be overwhelmed by the severity and immediacy of the situation, but other club members (it doesn’t have to be a club leader!) can remind them that there is help to be found within our great Parrot Head community.
While we all hope that its service won’t be needed, we also hope all take comfort from the fact that the Lone Palm Foundation will be there when needed. We’ll see you in Key West, and be sure to come by our live fundraising auction Saturday morning, November 5, at the Casa, 11 a.m.!